Publication details

Realizace školní tělesné výchovy pohledem učitelů 1. stupně základní školy

Title in English The carying out of physical education from a primary school teachar´s point of view


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The physical education in current educational documents is introduced as a part of education of students in the field health support. It may be in question if teachers themselves see this conception when carrying out their own conception of physical education. The investigation topically follows up with the author’s research from the year 2007 when teachers themselves commented on perception of function and objectives of physical education. Now we focused on the field of realized curriculum. The message comes from one source of research which is a questionnaire completed with selected primary school teachers (N=519). The conclusions of this report offer valuable information about situation of physical education at primary school, especially in comparison with the results of a parallel research when respondents were not teachers but students.
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