Publication details

Právní postavení akcionářů a výkon jejich oprávnění řídit společnost

Title in English Legal Position of Share-holders and their Right to Control the Company


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva - 2008 - Days of Law
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Shareholder;Directive 2007/36/EC;general meeting;voting and information rights
Description The paper is concentrated on legal status of shareholders and on the regulation their right to manage the company. It refers of suggestions resulting from the Directive Nr. 2007/36/EC. The shareholders are investors and among them do not exist any legal relations. They compete for influence on regulation of the company. The Directive determins certain rights of shareholders in listed companies, firstly voting rights in the general meeting, information prior to the general meeting and other information rights. Suggestions for the Czech law result from the adjudication of Supreme Court.
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