Publication details

Cestující senioři - kardiovaskulární a další rizika

Title in English Travelling seniors - cardiovascular and other risks


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká geriatrická revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other specializations of internal medicine
Keywords starší cestovatel; economy class syndrom; cestovatelský průjem; vakcinace; preventivní a profylaktická opatření při cestování
Description Travelling seniors - cardiovascular and other risks. The number of seni ors undertaking longer and more demanding jo urneys at an advanced age is incre asing. Chronic illnesses together with the physical and mental demands of travelling make seni ors vulnerable. Geriatricians and general practiti oners sho uld be able to assess risks that co uld le ad to the deteri orati on of a conditi on during travel and co operate with travellers to minimise such risks. The article analyses the cardi ovascular risks associ ated with a long flight and a stay in a hot climate - complicati ons in ischemic he art dise ase, especi ally certain correlates of myocardi al infarcti on during travel, for which the identifi ed risk factors were short term planning of the jo urney, unusu al destinati ons, a low level of educati on, life in a co uple, travel by car in comparison with other forms of transport, accommodati on in a tent or trailer/ camper van compared to accommodati on in a hotel. In terms of time, acute complicati ons occurred most frequently in the first two days of travel. Thromboembolic complicati ons are discussed with regard to the new aspects of economy class syndrome. Attenti on is also given to arrhythmi a, complicati ons of hypertensi on, circulati on failures, di arrhoe a and their possible consequences. The article concludes with two case histori es and a table of recommendati ons for the minimisati on travel related risks.

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