Publication details

Několik úvah nad právní regulací koncernů s mezinárodním prvkem

Title in English Legal regulation of international groups of companies


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2008 Conference: Key Points and Ideas
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords groups of companies in the international context; legal regulation of groups of companies; international private law; EC law
Description This paper deals with the current legal regulation of groups of companies in the international context. Having introduced the general issues connected with the groups of companies next part focuses on possible solutions of their legal regulation in case they consist of business companies from EC countries. The following part looks at the legal regulation of international groups of companies from the perspective of international private law. The author comes to the conclusion that the legal regulation of groups of companies from the EC countries should be a combination of both, EC law and international private law. Therefore, international private law plays a crucial role for legal regulation of international groups of companies.
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