Publication details

Living will v českém prostředí

Title in English Living will in Czech republic


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Edukační sborník XXXIII.Brněnské onkologické dny a XXIII. Konference pro nelékařské zdravotnické pracovníky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords living will;czech republic
Description In the context of fulfilling the spiritual needs of patients should take and the issues related to treatment and end of life. This theme takes particular significance in patients with neléčitelným disease and patients in terminal stages. Discussion on the patient's spirituality is a good opportunity to initiate discussions on the future treatment wishes or of any resuscitation. These questions can be clarified with the patient long before it really gets into his own dying stages. Faith and life of the patient not only affect his life, but also death. hledat

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