Publication details

Polynomy a řešení rovnic netradičně

Title in English Polynomials and Solving of Equations Non-traditionally

BERÁNEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků ze XXVII. vědeckého kolokvia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field General mathematics
Keywords Equation; symmetric polynomials
Description The article contains a set of interesting problems, equations and their systems, solved with the help of polynomials (e.g. the use of symetric polynomials, Viet relations, etc.). These problems are not typical for school mathematics and while their solving it is necessary to use the connections with other branches of mathematics. Solving of these problems is the measure for deepening and widening secondary school and university students knowledge about polynomials and solving equations and contributes to their general mathematical overview.

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