Publication details

Challenges and Opportunities of Science & Technology Education in KENYA



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Strategie technického vzdělávání v reflexi doby
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords education; science; technology; curriculum; hands-on science; Kenya; Africa
Attached files
Description Kenya, like other African countries, is currently facing poverty, unemployment, poor infrastructure, destruction of the environment and many health issues. These challenges become more urgent than ever because of high population growth, climate change consequences and worldwide economic crisis. To combat these challenges Kenya will need its own engineers, constructors, biotechology specialists as well as the public properly educated in science and technology. Kenyan schools usually struggle to get basic equipment and textbooks. There is an opportunity to teach hands-on science using simple and cheap equipment made of available materials. Specially renewable energy sources should be taught at primary and secondary schools. Hand made equipment using solar, water and wind energy can be used for simple laboratory investigations and measurements. It is necessary to increase awareness of importance of science and technology in daily life of Kenyan people.

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