Publication details

Virtual Scene Designed as a Software Component

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Year of publication 2008
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation OŠLEJŠEK, Radek. Virtual Scene Designed as a Software Component. FIMU-RS-2008-11. Brno: Faculty of Informatics, 2008.
Description A full version of the paper "POSTER: Virtual Scene as a Software Component" presented at WSCG in December 2008: Graphics systems use many advanced techniques that enable to model and visualize a virtual scene with varying level of realism. Unfortunately, rendering algorithms significantly differ in the way how they process a virtual scene. Concrete implementations therefore usually lead to monolithic solutions. In this paper we propose the concept of a component-based scene graph, i.e. an independent scene graph, which can be used by many rendering strategies simultaneously and, moreover, which can be easily replaced with another implementation.
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