Publication details

Os substantivos de sentimentos em kaingang

Title in English The sentiments' nouns in Kaingang

CUSIMANO Christophe

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web cf. below
Field Linguistics
Keywords polysemy;semic analysis;semantics;sentiments nouns;field enquiry;comparative semantics;synchrony;saussurian sign;kaingang
Description In this article, we put at the portuguese-speaking community disposal the different contributions, in semantics and morphology, of the field work conducted in Brazil with kaingang speakers. We try to show how, based on some morphemes which we label as generic morphemes, Kaingang can generate an entire lexical semantic field. For our display, we particularly focus on the sentiments’ one, engendered thanks to fe which could traduced to English by ‘ heart ’

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