Publication details

Vliv metakognitivních strategií na rozvoj dovedností žáků autoregulovat své učení

Title in English The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies on Pupils' Skills Developement to Self-regulate their Learning


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords self-regulation; self-regulate skills; metacognition; metacognitive strategie; experimental method
Description In general the study is engaged in a problems of self-regulation and possibility of its developement. The main point of a theoretic part is explaining of basic accesses and self-regulating models and specifying conception and definition of metacognition as a partial component of self-regulation. In an empiric part our point is i) to diagnose a level of mastering self-regulate skills of second-degreed pupils on elementary schoul and ii) to attest a classwork by experimental way consisting in practice of metacognitive strategies and observance of relevant theses and to review its aid for self-regulating skills developement. By special pedagogic reality analysis and by targeting our care the extreme cases we define the factors which could have an influence on studied process of practice. This paper was created as an outcome of research in the author's doctoral studies.

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