Publication details

Problematika interlingvní a intralingvní interference v počátečním vyučování ruštině u žáků se specifickými poruchami učení výsledky výzkumu provedeného na 2. stupni základních škol Jihomoravského kraje

Title in English The Problem of the Cross-language and Intra-language Interference in the Initial Stage of Teaching Russian in Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties Results of a Research Conducted in the Second Grade of Primary Schools in the South Moravian Region


Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter informs on experimental research that took place within the research project Special Needs of Pupils in the Context of the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education MSM 0021622443. The research carried out academic year 2008/2009 analysed particularities of cross-language and intra-language interference in the initial stage of teaching Russian. We take an interest in the Russian-Czech interference in connection with demands of Framework educational programme for basic education, we focuse on the influence of mother language on learning and using of a foreign language, we ask the question in what degree it influences the learning of Russian language. Respondents of the research were pupils with specific learning difficulties in the region of South Moravia at senior primary grades and in the lower grades of multiannual grammar schools.
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