Publication details

Řád veřejných toalet aneb Píšu pro sociologii ne pro svoji zábavu

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Title in English The Order of Public Toilets


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Biograf - časopis pro biografickou a reflexivní sociologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation NEDBÁLKOVÁ, Kateřina. Řád veřejných toalet aneb Píšu pro sociologii ne pro svoji zábavu (The Order of Public Toilets). Biograf - časopis pro biografickou a reflexivní sociologii. Praha, 2009, vol. 49, No 2, p. 2-21, 19 pp. ISSN 1211-5770.
Field Sociology, demography
Keywords gender social structure agency ethnicity
Description The text frames public toilets in three conceptual strains: 1) the biological function versus the social organization of this function, 2) private and intimate activities versus public space, 3) minimal prestige and authority of the institution as a whole versus the disciplinary potential of the everyday activities taking place public toilets. Based on interpretation of diaries of an employee of the public toilets the author analyzes the public toilets as an example of the functioning of power and disciplination in modern society. The authors aim is to broaden the existing research (focused mostly on anonymous encounters among men at public toilets) and disclose how the institution of public toilets is structured according to age, social class, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
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