Publication details

Výzkum rozvoje autoregulačních dovedností prostřednictvím informačních technologií na příkladu zeměpisného učiva

Title in English The research of self-regulate skills development through the information technologies by means of geographical curriculum


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source JTIE - Journal of Technology and Information Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords self-regulation; self-regulate skills; experimental method; information technologies; geography teaching
Description The paper is focused on the questions of selfregulation and possibilities of its development through the information technologies. The authors main aim was to suggest the way how to diagnose level of self - regulate skills development by pupils of basic school and to check by the experimental method whether teaching using information technologies supports selfregulate skills development. The sense of the research was to offer the new idea for how to transfer questions of selfregulation through information technologies into the concrete situations in geography teaching so that pupils have the opportunity to look in their thinking and cognitive procedures. The results prove that it is possible to draw the geography teaching so that pupils use information technologies along with the geographical knowledge with the aim of to achieve required selfregulate skills development.

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