Publication details

Proměny české pohádky. K historii žánru ve čtyřicátých letech dvacátého století

Title in English Transformations of Czech Fairytales. On the History of the Genre in the 1940s


Year of publication 2009
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The work Transformations of Czech Fairytales deals with particular texts by selected authors of fairytales, mainly the major and notable ones, and tries to illustrate and profoundly comprehend basic features, issues and trends in the development of Czech fairytales (both "literary/traditional" and "authorial" ones) of the 1940s, which is the key period for the development of this genre. The aim of this work is to contribute to the literary-historical research into the period and also to draw the attention to those texts which have been unjustly neglected so far.

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