Publication details

Metody izolace rozpuštěné oganické hmoty z vod

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Title in English Methods for isolation of dissolved organic matter from surface waters


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bulletin VÚRH
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Water pollution and control
Keywords dissolved organic matter; humic substances; reverse osmosis
Description Dissolved organic matter represents overall term for all the dissolved organic compounds in waters. Humic substances (i.e. humic acids and fulvic acids) belong between the most important fractions of dissolved organic matter. These compounds exert very important functions in water ecosystems, such as indirect effects on organisms, i.e. absorption and attenuation of light, water acidifications and warming, nutrient source, control of metals and organic compounds (e.g. pesticides); and direct effects on organisms, i.e. interaction with biological compartments and receptors. To study these compounds, it is necessary first to isolate them from waters. Isolation of dissolved matter can be performed using reverse osmosis, and isolation of humic substances using solid phase extraction. Nevertheless, there are not available commercial versions of these devices, thus we had to construct them. System for reverse osmosis (including its mobile version) was constructed as an optimized common system for preparation of demineralized water. Construction was successful, recovery factor of this method was approximately 0.9. System for solid phase extraction was made using commercially available components what was also successful, but recovery factor was only about 0.2. To achieve greater recovery, system has to be optimized more.
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