Publication details

Laserscan terrain models and their application potential



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Digital Terrain Models in Cartography
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords laser scanning terrain model; laser scanning; terrestrial and airborne laser scanning
Description A high quality fresh DTM can be provided by the ground and aerial laserscanning (LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging). The aerial laser system includes the precise navigation equipment detecting the accurate laser position in 3D space when the pulse is emitted and transmitted to the Earth surface. Depending on the laser scanning technology and the flight altitude, the density of points on the surface ranges between from 1 to 25 on 1 square meter. Such density value makes possible to construct very detail DTM even below some objects above the ground. The aerial laser scanning seems to be very useful for the construction of DTMs in densely built up areas, forested landscapes, terraced slopes, areas with dynamic terrain processes, flooded areas. Examples given from Svitava River valley 15 kn north of Brno.
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