Publication details

Example of use of interactive whiteboards with biological and geological curriculum at primary school



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pouk v družbi znanja
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords interactive whiteboards modernization of teaching natural science efficiency
Description In four classes of the 6th and the 8th class of the Primary School ZŠ Brno, Sirotkova 36, I was using an interactive whiteboard in teaching invertebrates zoology and human biology this Spring. Educational topics were electronically created by the local natural science teachers, our graduates. I found out that even a classical lesson if upgraded by that latest technical method is very interesting for the vast majority of pupils and is and very welcome by them. The teacher can immediately recognize that the pupils' discipline increased as well as their attention. The question is the effectiveness, i.e. if an interactive whiteboards brings higher quality of pupils' knowledge, rather than classical training. That we are currently starting to examine together with students at the Faculty of Education in Brno. At the same time, our natural science students learn to create thein own technological content of the various teaching subjects for an interactive whiteboard.
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