Publication details

Fluorescenční angiografie u Stargardtovy choroby

Title in English Fluorescent angiography in Stargardt's disease


Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords Stargard's disease; juvenile macular degeneration; autosomal recesive heredity
Description The author submits information on Stargard's disease, and based on a case report he mentions actual steps which led to establishment of the diagnosis of the disease. Stargard's disease is one of the forms of juvenile macular degeneration which affects the retinal pigment epithelium. It is a relatively rare hereditary, slowly progressing, usually bilateral disease leading to deterioration of vision. In the majority the heredity is autosomal recessive. The majority of ophthalmologists do not encounter the disease in their practice but it has to be taken into consideration.

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