Publication details

Unterrichtsqualität und Professionalisierung von Fremdsprachenlehrern

Title in English Instructional quality and professional development of foreign language teachers


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference New Pathways in the Professional Development of Teachers
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords instructional quality; professional development; foreign language teachers; research
Description Both experts and the public agree that as for establishing and maintaining quality in the teaching process, the teachers and their professional and personal qualifications are of crucial importance. The paper tries to give answers to numerous questions concerning the support of professionalization of FL teachers, based on theoretical sources as well as empirical research. The main issues are: What is the contribution of further training? How do the students of the Faculty of Education describe a good and well-trained FL teacher? Can an ideal teacher be found in teaching practice at all?
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