Publication details

Philosophy of Health as Education to Healthy Life


RYBÁŘ Radovan

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Řehulka, E. (ed.). SCHOOL AND HEALTH 21 Papers on Health Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords health; philosophy; systemic conception; school.
Description The study is the outcome of the research project and School Health 21. The health as a value of human life means to live healthy, wisely and rationally. The health is a reflection of our own being and thinking. The philosophy of health as a stand on life perceives human from perspective of holistic medicine or global understanding of health. The philosophy of health is focused on support of positive and constructive approach to life and health. It also presents procedure open discussion about philosophical basics of medical ethics. Systemic conception of health is not discovery of modern times but we can find its beginnings in ancient medicine. The support of health in a school environment is also important.
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