Publication details

Vliv kvality na konkurenceschopnost podniků v ČR

Title in English Quality and its influence on the competitiveness of the Czech enterprises


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ekonomika a management organizací - výzkum, výuka a praxe
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Quality; competitiveness; financial analysis; cluster analysis
Description The paper deals with defining and measuring the influence of quality on the competitiveness of the Czech enterprises. The analysis aims to explain the relationship between quality and competitiveness, particularly from enterprises point of view. On the basis of empirical survey we analyze attitudes of selected Czech enterprises towards the quality. The paper starts from the fact that quality is one of key elements of company competitiveness. To measure the quality we presume that the degree of quality can be derived from customers satisfaction.

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