Publication details

Vegetation diversity of mesic meadows and pastures in the West Carpathians

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords hay meadow; mesic pasture; vegetation classification; vegetation diversity; West Carpathians
Description A phytosociological study of the West Carpathian mesic hay meadows and pastures was performed as the first unified investigation into the vegetation diversity in the area, which is situated at the territory of three countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland). Cluster analysis was used for classification of the vegetation. The ecological interpretation of the classification was made using altitude, Ellenberg indicator values and geological bedrock. The classification at the level of 12 clusters reflected the most widespread vegetation types of mesic meadows and pastures recorded in the area. We confirmed the differences in diversity of meadows and pastures, reflected by the current classification systems in particular countries, with higher altitude meadows corresponding to Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum capillaris occurring predominantly in the northern part of the West Carpathians, whereas Anthoxantho-Agrostietum was virtually missing in that area.
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