Publication details

Burning wood or burning bone? A reconsideration of flotation evidence from Upper Palaeolithic (Gravettian) sites in the Moravian corridor.


BERESFORD-JONES David JOHNSON Katherine PULLEN G. Alexander J.E. PRYOR Alexander SVOBODA Jiří JONES Martin

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Archaeological Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Upper Paleolithic - Dolní Věstonice - Předmostí - Archaeobotany - Vitrification - Burnt bone - Taphonomy
Description This paper compares archaeobotanical and other data from new excavations at two Upper Palaeolithic sites Dolní Věstonice II and Předmostí I. Data on different use of fuel at the two sites offer fresh insights into the functions and durations of these human occupations.

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