Publication details

Roots and stimuli to a new perception of informatics



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Rainbow of Computer Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Informatics; perception
Description In the recent paper, "A perception of Informatics",a new view of Informatics, visionary and philosophical in the essence, has been presented in quite general terms and ways1. This new perception of Informatics has been then illustrated and put more "down to earth" in the mentioned paper through the presentation of some of the grand challenges of "new Informatics". In the present paper some of the main impulses/needs or drives for and roads towards such a new perception of Informatics are summarized and discussed in more details. To see them well is also of large importance for a full understanding and acceptance of such a new view of Informatics. All of them are also closely related to some of the major problems of current science and technology.
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