Publication details

Effect of calcium dobesilaate on occurence of diabetic macular oedema (Caldiret study): randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial


HARITOUGLU Christos SAUERLAND Cristina GERSS Joachim SYNEK Svatopluk

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lancet
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords Diabetic macular oedema, calcium dobesilat
Description We enrolled 635 patients, 324 were randomly allocated calcium dobesilate and 311 were assigned placebo. In calcium dobesilate group 86 patients developed macular oedema, compared with 69 in the placebo group. Calcium dobesilate did not reduce the risk of development of macular oedema.

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