Publication details

Development of humanized culture medium with plant-derived serum replacement for human pluripotent stem cells



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Reproductive BioMedicine Online
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords animal protein-free culture; high-density culture; human embryonic stem cells; humanized culture medium; plant-derived serum supplement; VegetaCell
Description For human embryonic stem cells (ESC) to be used in cell replacement therapies, they must be grown under good manufacturing conditions in a chemically defined medium that lacks animal proteins. This study examined the ability of a newly designed medium containing the plant-derived serum replacement VegetaCell and other reagents of human origin to support undifferentiated growth and pluripotency of human ESC. This medium was tested in several culture systems, using human fibroblasts as a feeder layer or Matrigel in a feeder-free culture. Even under the most stringent feeder-free conditions without conditioned medium, human ESC exhibited an undifferentiated morphology, expressed markers of undifferentiated cells, demonstrated high alkaline phosphatase activity and multilineage differentiation and retained a normal karyotype. Compared with human ESC grown in standard culture conditions, human ESC maintained in humanized VegetaCell medium show longer cell cycles and decreased cell death. The availability of an animal protein-free medium supplemented with the low-cost VegetaCell reagent expands the repertoire of media for culturing human ESC as well as induced pluripotent stem cells for drug testing and cell replacement therapy. For human embryonic stem cells (ESC) to be used in cell replacement therapies, they must be grown under good manufacturing conditions in a chemically defined medium that lacks animal proteins. This study examined the ability of a newly designed medium containing the plant-derived serum replacement VegetaCell and other reagents of human origin to support undifferentiated growth and pluripotency of human ESC. This medium was tested in several culture systems, using human fibroblasts as a feeder layer or Matrigel in a feeder-free culture. Even under the most stringent feeder-free conditions without conditioned medium, human ESC exhibited an undifferentiated morphology, expressed markers of undifferentiated cells, demonstrated high alkaline phosphatase activity and multilineage differentiation and retained a normal karyotype. Compared with human ESC grown in standard culture conditions, human ESC maintained in humanized VegetaCell medium show longer cell cycles and decreased cell death. The availability of an animal protein-free medium supplemented with the low-cost VegetaCell reagent expands the repertoire of media for culturing human ESC as well as induced pluripotent stem cells for drug testing and cell replacement therapy.

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