Publication details

Učitel-expert. Přehled výzkumných trendů a jejich výsledků

Title in English Teacher-expert. An overview of research trends and their results

PÍŠOVÁ Michaela

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords expert teacher; expertise; expert performance; approaches to research of expertise; adaptive vs. routine expertise; identification of an expert teacher;
Description This survey deals with the research of expertise in the teaching profession. It aims to define the key concepts, then to provide an overview of main trends in research of expertise and expert performance in various domains. Furthermore, specific approaches to research of expertise in the teaching profession are included, namely the static and dynamic / procedural approaches. Attention is also paid to the criteria for expert teacher identification. Last but not least, desirable directions in further research are suggested.

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