Publication details

Klášter klarisek a olomoucká architektura druhé poloviny 18. století

Title in English Nunnery of St. Clara sisters and the architecture of the 2nd half of 18th Century in Olomouc


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Nunnery of St Clara sisters is an important document of the local architectural culture in the mid-18th century in Olomouc. Around 1750 the St Clara sisters received a presentation project (perhaps from the circle of courtly office building), and later they built a nunnery by master mason Matthew Knieband in 1754.l Finally the church was built from 1772 to 1774 by Wenzel Beda. In the year 1782 the nunnery was canceled. Currently, it is often seen as the only building of late baroque art in Olomouc, but many names of architects and builders in Olomouc show a relatively high level architecture of the period.
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