Publication details

Electrochemical Analysis of Aminopurines at Graphite Electrodes – Effect of Copper Ions


JELEN František TRNKOVÁ Libuše ALADAG Nilay OZSOZ Mehmet

Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Our work is aimed electrochemical oxidations of aminopurines (AMPs, adenine, 2-aminopurine, 2,6-diaminopurine) and their complexes with Cu(I) at a pencil graphite electrode (PeGE). Measurements utilized three voltammetric techniques, linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), elimination voltammetry with linear scan (EVLS), and stripping voltammetry. The analysis is based on the reaction of cuprous ions which were generated electrochemically in situ [1,2]. The results showed that carbon electrode in connection with EVLS can be an excellent prototype for cheap and working sensor for AMPs in the presence of copper.
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