Publication details

Developing writing skills and language awareness through grammar dictations



Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description A grammar dictation, or a dictogloss, is an alternative to classical dictations. The difference is that a text is not dictated to students, but read out at normal speed. Students can only write the most important keywords. They have to re-create the text on their own. The presentation discusses the advantages of the method as well as potential problems students may face. It also proposes different ways in which grammar dictations can be used in class for developing students’ writing skill and language awareness. A grammar dictation, or a dictogloss, is an alternative to classical dictations. The difference is that a text is not dictated to students, but read out at normal speed. Students can only write the most important keywords. They have to re-create the text on their own. The presentation discusses the advantages of the method as well as potential problems students may face. It also proposes different ways in which grammar dictations can be used in class for developing students’ writing skill and language awareness.

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