Publication details

Profylaktická mastektomie s rekonstrukcí

Title in English Prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Annotation I: BRCA mutation carriers have up to 85% risk to get breast carcinoma. In register of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (MMCI) in Brno there are 300 patients carriers of BRCA mutation. So far, there is no efficient prevention except of bilateral mastectomy. Annotation II: We want to offer and to perform bilateral mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (abdominal flap or implants) to these patients. Patient will decide, after reading detailed informed consent wether she is going to have surgery (group A) or to have cancer screening only (group B). Annotation III: Both groups will be compared regarding to l. carcinoma development 2. quality of life. In group A quality of life will be compared before and after operation. Annotation IV: Efficiency of prophylactic mastectomy will by evaluated also in group C women that underwent prophylactic mastectomy in period 2000-2008 years.

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