Publication details

Communicative perspectives in the Theory of FSP



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Linguistica Pragensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords FSP; dynamic semantic scales; Combined Scale
Description The present paper claims that Firbas’s category of the Combined Scale in reality includes two subtypes: one with ellipted Quality Bearer and Quality, and another with ellipted Phenomenon and Presentation. The paper indicates that relations within the former subtype of the Combined Scale are identical to relations within the Presentation Scale, the only difference being the presence of Specification; relations within the latter subtype are identical to relations within the Quality Scale, the only difference being the absence of the explicit introduction of the Quality Bearer in the preceding context. The paper therefore suggests a modification of Firbas’s tertiary system of dynamic semantic scales into a binary system involving only the Presentation Scale, including the Extended Presentation Scale subtype containing a Specification, and the Quality Scale, including both context dependent and context independent Quality Bearers.
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