Publication details

Concurrent treatment of metamict and crystalline fergusonite by U, Th and Pb-rich fluids:an EMPA and TEM study



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Asociation Geologica Argentina, Series D.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords fergusonite; metamict state; experimental alteration; EMPA; TEM; FIB
Description Metamict and well crystalline fergusonite-(Y) were treated by U,Th,Pb-rich fluids at temperature 200oC for 60 days. The well crystalline fergusonite did not show any apparent features of alteration. The metamict fergusonite was intensivelly replaced by newly-formed U and Th-rich phases. The TEM study of the FIB prepared foils revealed, that Th-rich phase is amorphous, whereas the U-rich phase corresponds to UNb3O10. On the border of unchanged metamict fergusonite and newly-formed phases the numerous of nanopores were found. The alteration corresponds to dissolution-reaction-precipitation process.
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