Publication details

Die Feuersteinartefakte der bandkeramischen Siedlung von Mold

Title in English The chipped stone artifacts from the settlement in Mold


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This paper presents the complete processing of the chipped stone artifacts from the LBK-settlement in Mold, excavated in 1995-2007. Total of 347 artifacts > 12 mm and 88 <12 mm was studied. As the most common raw material was used the Krumlovský Les chert from the South Moravia, supplemented by local siliceous weathering products of serpentinites ("plasma"), quartz and rock crystals. On long distance contacts are represented by Krakow Jurassic flint, erratic silizites and radiolarites the Bakony Mountains (type Szentgál). Although local raw materials account for more than third of all raw materials used - for the production of blades and retouched tools they played only a subordinate role.
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