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Prognostický význam imunofenotypizace u nemocných s monoklonální gamapatií nejasného významu a mnohočetným myelomem

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Title in English The prognostic significance of immunophenotyping in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma subjects


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Klinická biochemie a metabolismus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Oncology and hematology
Keywords monoclonal gammopathy; multiple myeloma; plasma cells; phenotype; flow cytometry
Description Flow cytometry (FC) analysis is performed only in a limited number of subjects with monoclonal gammopathy (MG), although in recent years have been published a number of analysis showing its prognostic importance. Main applications of immunophenotypisation in MGs are (1) differential diagnosis, (2) determination the risk of progression in MGUS and asymptomatic MM (aMM), (3) analysis of prognostic markers, and (4) detection of minimal residual disease in patients with MM. Multiparameter flow cytometry then should be included as a routine assay in monoclonal gammopathy patients.
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