Publication details

K pravomoci rozhodování sporu u ručení prodávajícího prodeje podniku při rozhodčí doložce v dodavatelské smlouvě

Title in English The powers of deciding the dispute in the liability for sale Seller's arbitration clause in a supply contract


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní fórum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords tribunal to decide the dispute; supply contract; sale of company
Description The article deals with the powers of the tribunal to decide the dispute, and it was then when the arbitration clause contained in a supply contract. Subsequently the company was sold. The buyer then took over the company on a contract for the sale of the company. Delivery of the supply contract was not paid. However, according to law for obligations not paid by the buyer, the seller is liable. As regards the liability of the law, the question is whether in this case, you can use arbitration clauses.
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