Publication details

Kdy za škodu způsobenou notářem odpovídá sám notář a kdy stát

Title in English When notary public is responsible for the damages himself and when the state


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní fórum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords nottary public; caused damage; responsibility; state garance; wrong official procedure
Description Very specific position of notary in society in terms of competence and uniqueness of the office can cause a lot of confusion and problems with activities of notary as the carrier of a certain state and the law relating to the status of the trust. Often there may be situations in which it is not clear who holds the responsibility and guarantees for the performance of the notarial office. It can be a notary public himself, as an individual, a state that the powers and role of the individual in certain activities confers, or are carriers of responsibility and guarantee together

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