Publication details

Characterization of Amorphous Hydrocarbon Films Prepared by PECVD on Gold Substrate, Advanced Hybrid Materials II: design and applications of the E-MRS



Year of publication 2012
Type Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠPERKA, Jiří, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Jan SCHÄFER, Rüdiger FOEST, Annapurna PAMREDDY and Josef HAVEL. Characterization of Amorphous Hydrocarbon Films Prepared by PECVD on Gold Substrate, Advanced Hybrid Materials II: design and applications of the E-MRS. 2012.
Description The chemical and morphological characterization of hydrocarbons on gold used as functionalized interfaces plays an important role in microelectronics and bio-sensorics. Amorphous hydrocarbon films have been prepared on gold substrate by means of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). The study compares film properties achieved by two different PECVD techniques: one at low pressure, the other one at atmospheric pressure conditions. The low pressure PECVD (8 kPa) proceeded in bell jar plasma reactor generating a dual frequency discharge (2.45 GHz and 13.56 MHz) in the mixture of hydrogen and methane. In contrast to this, the PECVD at atmospheric pressure has been carried out with a capillary plasma jet operating at 27.12 MHz in the gas mixture of argon, hydrogen and methane. The experiment reveals an application potential of the deposition in comparison with the conventional technique. The deposited films have been characterized by a high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser desorption-ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS). The suitable combination of the methods enables an interpretation of the microstructuring of the films. Moreover, carbon cluster distributions have been found in MS spectra of different layers. The results correlate with the morphological characterization obtained with SEM and with the characteristic bands in finger print region of IRRAS spectra.

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