Publication details

Naše patnáctileté zkušenosti s LASIKem

Title in English Our Fifteen-Year Experience with LASIK


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords LASIK; the effectiveness index; the safety index
Description The authors report on results of correcting refractive errors by LASIK in patients suffering from low, middle and high myopia. Method: A retrospective comparative study. Results: The authors have been using this refractive method since 1996 and evaluate the postoperative outcome of their own work in the two refractive centers, equipped with sophisticated Instrumentation, in the period given above. Group B of years 2007–2010 compared to the older group A from 1999–2005 indicates a decrease in the variance of the results by 40–50 %, and moreover, in this set extreme results are virtually eliminated. In the case of the Uncorrected Visual Acuity (UCVA), the Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA), the index of the effectiveness and safety similar mean values can be seen in both sets, but the variability was significantly greater among the older group A. Conclusion: On their groups of patients the authors present and compare on their groups of patients considerable long-term LASIK results, which confirm the effectiveness and safety of this refractive surgical procedure.

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