Publication details

Rozvoj filmové výroby v českých zemích na konci 10. a počátkem 20. let. Případ společnosti Praga-film

Title in English The Development of Film Production in the Czech Lands in the Late 1910s and Early 1920s. The Case of Praga-Film Company


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Iluminace. Časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Czech film production - beginnings; Praga-film company
Description In the 1910s, the development of film production in the Czech Republic was still in its initial stages. Before 1921, when the AB studio was established, film production took place under improvised conditions, and this fundamentally influenced the quality of Czech films. Praga-film, one of the most important companies operating in the second half of the 1910s, was no exception. It was founded by Antonín Fencl in September 1917 and existed until August 1920. Praga-film differed from other companies, especially in that it was the first instance in the history of Czechoslovak cinema of a banking institution investing directly in film production. Thanks to this, it had more finances at its disposal than most other contemporary film companies, which led to an effort to build the first film studio with modern equipment. This text attempts to describe the delegation of tasks among employees and means of production. Fragmented documentation, however, does not allow us to depict pre-production and post-production, as well. The text focuses also on other business activities of Praga-film: its participation in the association of film producers “Československý film” (Czecho-Slovak Cinema), Antonín Fencl’s businesstrip abroad to acquire new films, the distribution of such films and, finally, the end of the company.

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