Publication details

Diabetes mellitus a dutina ústní

Title in English Diabetes mellitus and oral cavity


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords dibetes melllitus, periodontitis marginalis, diseases of oral membrane mucous
Description It is known that diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for periodontitis. Diabetes reduces periodontal tissue resistance and facilitates its impairment by microorganisms. Diabetes can change the host immune response to periodontal pathogens and affects cellular and humoral immunity. The effect of periodontal diseases on diabetes is less clear. Mechanisms by which periodontitis may influence formation and development of diabetes are still being studied. Periodontitis and diabetes are chronic diseases with high prevalence and they have some common pathogenetic features. An example of this is a duplex operation (mutual action) of cytokine TNF-alpha in development of periodontitis and insulin resistance. Inflammatory periodontal disease may be a risk factor for hyperglycemia and vice versa a treatment of periodontitis may have an effect on reducing blood glucose level. This means a significant shift in the prevention of diabetic complications. It is assumed that the result of a careful periodontal treatment of patients with diabetes will not only improve the periodontal condition but also can stabilize the diabetes state.

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