Publication details

Cultivar Variability of Patatin Biochemical Characteristics: Table versus Processing Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Field Plant cultivation
Keywords table and processing potatoes; Solanum tuberosum; cultivar variability; patatin; isoforms; glycosylation; lipid acyl hydrolase activity
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Description Biochemical characteristics of patatin proteins purified by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography from tubers of 20 potato cultivars were studied to evaluate their genotype differences with respect to utility groups, table potato cultivars (TPCs) and processing potato cultivars (PPCs). Both groups of cultivars showed similar values of protein content in dry matter (3.98-7.39%) and of patatin relative abundance (5.40-35.40%). Three mass levels (similar to 40.6, 41.8, and 42.9 kDa) of purified patatins were found by MALDI-TOF MS within all cultivars. Differences among mass levels corresponding with the mass of sugar antenna (similar to 1.2 kDa) confirmed the previous concept of different glycosylation extentsin patatin proteins It was showed that the individual types of patatin varying in their masses occur in the,patatin family in a ratio specific for each of the cultivars, with the lowest mass type being the major one Electrophoretic analyses demonstrated wide cultivar variability in number of patatin forms. Especially 2D-PAGE showed 17-23 detected protein spits independently on the utility group. Specific lipid acyl. hydrolase (LAH) activity of purified patatins from the individual tested cultivars varied between 0.92 and 5.46 mu mol/(min mg). Patatin samples within most of the TPCs exhibited higher values of specific LAH activity than samples of PPCs. It may be supposed that individual patatin forms do not have similar physiological roles.
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