Total number of publications: 460
Who benefits and who doesn't in virtual reality learning: An experimental study comparing two types of school
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, year: 2024, volume: 40, edition: 4, DOI
Who is in focus? A scoping review of themes and consistency in inclusive education for all
European Journal of Special Needs Education, year: 2024, DOI
Women – Trade – Cultural Interactions in the Late Iron Age: Example of Collection of Late Iron Age finds from Lesonice, Znojmo District (Moravia)
PRAEHISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, year: 2024, volume: 2023, edition: duben, DOI
You before me: How vertical collectivism and feelings of threat predicted more socially desirable behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic
CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, year: 2024, volume: 43, edition: March, DOI
Životné osudy manželov Jozefa a Lily Hojčovcov
Pamäť národa., year: 2024
Το περιοδικό Δοκιμασία: αντιδικτατορική στόχευση, λογοτεχνική κριτική και αισθητικοί προσανατολισμοί
?????????? ???µµ???, year: 2024, volume: 18
Потебня та потебніанці у лекціях Р.Якобсона у Масариковому університеті (Брно, 1935)
, year: 2024, volume: Volume 92, edition: June 2023, DOI
(Re)creating Equivalence of Stylistic Effect : A Corpus-Aided Methodology
Computer-Assisted Literary Translation, year: 2024, number of pages: 15 s.
/cat. VI.1-5/ Pět katalogových hesel obrazů Felixe Ivo Leichera
Maulbertsch Pinxit (Zakázky Franze Antona Maulbertsche v Čechách a na Moravě), year: 2024, number of pages: 10 s.
/kat. II.5/ Franz Anton Maulbertsch, Alegorie výchovy mladého šlechtice
Maulbertsch Pinxit (Zakázky Franze Antona Maulbertsche v Čechách a na Moravě)., edition: Vyd. První, year: 2024, number of pages: 2 s.