doc. PhDr. Michaela Píšová, M.A., Ph.D.
Počet publikací: 214
Reflecting Change: A New Model of Professional Development Module in ELTE
Language Learning / Teaching in the Context of Social Changes, rok: 2000, ročník: 1, vydání: 1
Towards Integration in a Teacher Professional Development Module
Syllabus Development Based on Research and Experience: Proceedings, rok: 2000
What Is Missing in ELTE Curriculum?
Spectrum 2000. Conference Proceedings: 2nd International and 6th National ATECR Conference, rok: 2000
Novice Teacher
Rok: 1999, počet stran: 116 s.
Novice Teacher in the Staffroom
Teacher Trainer, rok: 1999, ročník: 13, vydání: 3
Some Thougths about Transfer of Business Strategy Processes to Tertiary Educational Institutions
Sci. Pap. University of Pardubice, Series C, Vol. 5, rok: 1999
Beginning Teaching: Novice Teachers' Experience
Sci. Pap. University of Pardubice, Series C, Vol. 4, rok: 1998
Mentoring Student Teachers: Development of a Mentor Training Module
Sci. Pap. University of Pardubice, Vol. 3, rok: 1997
English Language Teacher Education in the Czech Republic
Quality in ELTE: Proceedings, rok: 1996
Leadership in Czech Secondary Schools in a Changing Environment
Sci. Pap. University of Pardubice, Series C, rok: 1996, ročník: Vol. 2