prof. RNDr. Vladimír Šimek, CSc.
Počet publikací: 48
Influence of Intermittent Fasting and High - Fat Diet on Morphological Changes of the Digestive System and on Changes of Lipid Metabolism in the Laboratory Mouse.
Physiological Research, rok: 1996, ročník: 45
Influence of intermittent Fasting and High-Fat Diet on Morphological Changes of the Digestive System andon Changes of Lipid Metabolism in the Laboratory Mouse.
Rok: 1996, počet stran: 7 s.
The Importance of 5-liposygenase in Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells
Rok: 1996, počet stran: 1 s.
The Role of 5-lipoxygenase in TGF-beta 1 Effects on Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells
Rok: 1996, počet stran: 1 s.
Ionising Radiation Intesifies the effects of inhibitors of eicosanoid biosynthesis on proliferation of human cancer cells.
J. Exper. Clin. Cancer Res, rok: 1995, ročník: 14, vydání: 1
The effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 under conditions of inhibited lipoxygenase melabolic pathway on cell proliferation and differentation
J. Exper. Clin. Cancer Res., rok: 1995, ročník: 14, vydání: 1
Influence of cold on some parameters of the lipid metabolism in haemolymph of praepupae of Galleria mellonella.
Scripta Fac.Brun., rok: 1994, ročník: 22-23, vydání: 1
Modulation of Cell Cycle and Proliferation of Human Leucemic Cells by Inhibitors of Eicosanoid Biosynthesis and Ionizing Radiation
Proc. of the 4th European Congr. of Cell Biol. Prague, July2, rok: 1994, ročník: 1994, vydání: 1