RNDr. Karolina Dočkalová Burská
Počet publikací: 14
Evaluation of Cyber Defense Exercises Using Visual Analytics Process
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE'18), rok: 2018
Timely Feedback in Unstructured Cybersecurity Exercises
Proceedings of Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, February 21–24, 2018(SIGCSE’18), rok: 2018
Towards a Unified Data Storage and Generic Visualizations in Cyber Ranges
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ECCWS 2017, rok: 2017
Visual Analytics for Network Security and Critical Infrastructures
AIMS 2017 - 11th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, rok: 2017