Informace o projektu
Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology
- Kód projektu
- LM2018127
- Období řešení
- 1/2020 - 12/2022
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
- Velké infrastruktury pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Středoevropský technologický institut
- prof. RNDr. Vladimír Sklenář, DrSc.
- Spolupracující organizace
Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
The Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology (CIISB) is a distributed infrastructure of the core facilities and central laboratories of CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology, Brno) and BIOCEV (Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre, Vestec) providing expertise and access to technologies used for integrative approaches to structural analysis of biologically important cellular components and macromolecules - proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes. CIISB, equipped with the cutting-edge technologies, will offer access to the equipment and expertise in the following fields: high-field NMR spectroscopy; high throughput crystallization of biological macromolecules; X-ray diffraction techniques; Bio-SAXS measurements; AFM imaging; characterization of proteins, nucleic acids and complexes by biophysical methods including microcalorimetry, dynamic light scattering, and surface plasmon resonance; high-end cryo-electron microscopy and tomography allowing studies of cellular structures, organelles, and biomacromolecular complexes by 3D imaging; protein expression in eukaryotic cells; high-end mass spectrometry characterization of biomacromolecules; determination of protein post-translational modifications; MS-based peptide mapping/sequencing; high throughput sequencing and proteomic services. CIISB infrastructure aims to provide a high quality open access services in provision of methods and techniques on a level of national and trans-national importance. CIISB is a part of the ESFRI project INSTRUCT-ERIC.
Cíle udržitelného rozvoje
Masarykova univerzita se hlásí k cílům udržitelného rozvoje OSN, jejichž záměrem je do roku 2030 zlepšit podmínky a kvalitu života na naší planetě.
Počet publikací: 182
De novo design of peptides that form transmembrane barrel pores killing antibiotic resistant bacteria
Rok: 2023, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Detailed insight into dynamics of C-terminal domain of δ subunit of RNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis using high-resolution relaxometry
Rok: 2023, druh: Vyžádané přednášky
Detailed insight into dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins using high-resolution relaxometry
Rok: 2023, druh: Další prezentace na konferencích
Detection and characterization of individual Au nanoparticles using SubAP LDI MSI
Rok: 2023, druh: Další prezentace na konferencích
Digital and Analog Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein via an Upconversion-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Analytical Chemistry, rok: 2023, ročník: 95, vydání: 10, DOI
DNA i-motif formation at neutral pH is driven by kinetic partitioning
Nucleic Acids Research, rok: 2023, ročník: 51, vydání: 6, DOI
Domain 1.1 of σA factor of RNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis beyond its major state conformation
Rok: 2023, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Domino-like effect of C112R mutation on ApoE4 aggregation and its reduction by Alzheimer’s Disease drug candidate
Molecular Neurodegeneration, rok: 2023, ročník: 18, vydání: 1, DOI
Editorial for the Special Issue: "Tick-Borne Encephalitis"
Microorganisms, rok: 2023, ročník: 11, vydání: 4, DOI
Efficacy and immunogenicity of a veterinary vaccine candidate against tick-borne encephalitis in dogs
Vaccine, rok: 2023, ročník: 41, vydání: 42, DOI