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Maths Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries

Název česky Získávání matematických informací pro digitální knihovny


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta informatiky

Popis The usefulness of digital libraries depends on their ability to provide the user with all its content that they could possibly be interested in. Sophisticated technologies and techniques were developed for “textual” digital libraries in course of time. Unfortunately, these techniques are not fully suitable for the specific needs of mathematical contents in digital mathematics libraries. In my opinion, the most important missing feature is a robust implementation of mathematically aware full text search able to cope with mathematical publications as they are routinely produced by the authors, i.e. without semantic annotations. As a member of maths information retrieval research team at Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University, I aim to utilize existence of our Math Indexer and Searcher (MIaS; system and underlying data set to implement and evaluate techniques for the improvement of a mathematically aware search system that will be developed as part of my Ph.D. studies.
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