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An Analysis of Blended Discourses Constructing the Education of Roma Children from Socially Disadvantaged Backgrounds
Název česky | Analýza prolínajících se diskursů konstruujících edukaci romského žáka ze sociálně znevýhodněného prostředí |
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2015 |
Druh | Článek ve sborníku |
Konference | 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Science and Arts SGEM 2015 - Conference Proceedings, Volume II, Education and Educational Research |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
www | http://sgemsocial.org/ssgemlib/spip.php?article1364&lang=en |
Doi | http://dx.doi.org/10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2015/B12/S3.004 |
Obor | Pedagogika a školství |
Klíčová slova | Roma child; pupil from socially disadvantaged background; education; discourse analysis. |
Popis | We aim to present some of our research findings interpreting the education of Roma children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in the Czech Republic. Namely, we employed Foucault’s (critical) discursive analysis, discursive psychology and conversational analysis. We focused primarily on authors of articles (on education of Roma) in journals for teachers. We aim to explain our research findings within the context of power discourse and blended institutional structures. |
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