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Use of parallel texts as a methodology in cultural-cognitive linguistics: A case study on English-Chinese and English-Czech parallel texts


LU Wei-lun

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The present paper addresses the usefulness of parallel literary texts in studying metaphor variation across languages and cultures, which is expected to help define cognitive linguistics as a multi-disciplinary field by attracting scholars in contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics, linguistic typology, cultural linguistics, stylistics, translation, and literary studies. The role of cultural context has been extensively recognized in metaphor studies. Different languages and cultures provide their users with different socio-cultural environments, with which the speakers understand, conceptualize and interact with the world around them. Accordingly, the metaphor (or the source concept involved therein) that different languages and cultures may utilize in talking about the same event is bound to vary.

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